Well, if you don't live on the east coast near DC then you probably don't know that we are having a very cold weekend. We went from 70 degrees to 35 degrees burrrrr! So, I took advantage of the cold weather to spend some quality time with my hubby and my Mom and Dad. Normally on Sundays I want to ride Bella and that takes up quite a bit of time so Dane and I normally don't get to go out and do things that he might want to do. Well, a couple of weeks ago he asked me to go to a museum with him. I'm not a huge fan of wandering around museums but I am a huge fan of doing things with my hubby when we have the time. So, I planned our day out to coincide with the cold weather. That way I wouldn't be so upset about missing a ride on Bella! Smart thinking! Then my parents where in town and wanted to hang out so we invited them along too. We had a fabulous brunch at the BlackSalt Restaurant then made our way to the Phillips Museum in Dupont Circle. Here Dane and I are standing in front of one of his favorite artist's paintings. It was quite lovely in person.
Now I want all of you to know that when I'm going out with my
family for a fun day of enjoyment that is exactly what I'm going to do
I'm going to enjoy myself. And that includes enjoying my food.
I ordered a delicious meal at brunch of shrimp and grits and
ate part of one of Dane's beignets. Then after the museum we stopped at
Cold Stone Creamery and I ordered a delicious Reece's icecream cup. It
was great and I refuse to feel guilty for enjoying myself and eating
things that I would normally not eat. Now having said that I will also say
that I am not going to let that start a phase of eating bad. Done and done.
Enjoyed and in the past already. So if you are having a family day out please
remember to enjoy yourself. Don't make it a daily occurrence but once in awhile its okay!
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