Tuesday, August 15, 2017

When Life Just Gets Away From You

I'm not even sure how much time has passed since I filled you in on what has been going on in my life but I can say it has been way to much time.

Let me start off by saying this year has been absolutely fantastic so far and with only 4 months left I'm pretty sure it's going to be a great year.

I finished quite a few workout programs this year and I am really super proud of that accomplishment.  Finished my first program by Super Trainer Shaun T.  Normally I can't last more then 2 week with him but I did a 60 day program.  Yes!!!!

I also went to Europe to celebrate the love and union of my very beautiful sister in law Allyn Rose Oertel.  Ally was married at the beautiful Schloss Miel in Swittal, Germany to her extremely handsome husband Christopher.

If you want to check out some of my awesome (and yes they are awesome!) photos from our trip please look me up on Instagram at kelly.rose.fitness or find me on Facebook Kelly Rose, White Plains.  The photos take you through Amsterdam, Netherlends, parts of Germany, and a ton of Belgium.  It was a fabulous time filled with delicious food.  Food that I can eat.. all of the food including the bread.. yes I can eat bread in Europe.  (that is a post for another day about what we are doing to ourselves here in the US).

I may have some big changes coming up in my life soon but we'll see where the Lord directs me.  Either way I've got a fire lit under me again to move forward and progress!