Sunday, April 3, 2016

Hubby has a sense of humor!

Well, if you can't laugh then you don't have a sense of humor!  Dane, called me down to the basement to check out what he was doing and this was the result.  WHAT?? Too funny.  He knows me so well, I had a very good laugh.  And then I started craving some chocolate cake. LOL

Okay lets do a quick update on how I am doing with the workout program and eating.  So far out of the entire 3 weeks I have missed only 1 workout (and that was yesterday).  I feel strong overall and the workouts seem to be getting easier physically but a little harder mentally since I know what is coming up next.  Once I push through the minor mental block I really enjoy getting the workout done.  Again its only 22 or 33 minutes long so its not that bad.

Now on to the eating part.  We are suppose to be doing clean eating with portion control and I would say that 65% of the time I'm doing good.  I want to be able to say that for the rest of the program I will do better with 85-100% eating great! My food prep has been going well but somehow I find myself at one of the local bakery shops after work.  Yummy for my tummy but not good if your trying to eat clean.  Every once in a while its okay but I've been doing it more then once in awhile.  Oops!  Now back on track for the rest of the program.

If you interested in starting your own workout program please let me know by filling out the form below.  Let's get you started in the right direction.

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