Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Changing of the guard.

After having a fantastic 8 weeks doing a program I absolutely loved it's time to do something that is very good for my body but that I find physically difficult.  Here is a recap of what's been going on.

I dedicated myself to fully completing the 22 Minute Hard Corps program by Beachbody.  It called for 6 workouts a week.  We alternated Cardio and Core with Resistance.  Cardio and core day took about 33 minutes to complete and resistance took 22 minutes to complete.  Now just because these were shorter workouts does not mean that they were not high intensity.  You were moving and grooving the entire time and I was quite sweaty after each workout.  Also, on resistance days you worked out with free weights so you could make them as light or as heavy as you wanted.  The first 4 weeks I started out with 8lbs. and the last 4 weeks I used 10lbs.  I found for me personally these were a good weight. Now for the first 4 weeks I pretty much stuck to the program but the last 4 weeks I found that my stomach muscles were ripped and I mean ripped so I backed off the core workout and only did it 1 to 2 times a week instead of 3 times a week.

My results were very good.  I was able to do more pushups in a minute then I have ever been able to do before.  On my final PT test I did 46 pushups in a minute.  Yay!  I was so impressed with myself.  So after doing a program that I loved doing I'm not moving on to something that I find difficult.  Piyo is a mix of pilates and yoga.  I'm not very flexible and I find myself slightly intimidated by this program but I think it is just what I need to be doing.  So here I go.  8 weeks of piyo.  My hope is that I will be able to do downdog and get my heels to touch!! We'll see.

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