Friday, September 2, 2016

No idea I'd been down and out this long!

This week has just been absolutely weird, crazy, calm, restful, annoying all at the same time.

Weird:  Woke up on Sunday morning with my middle finger of my left hand hurting.  But mild enough for me to workout and ride Bella!

Crazy:  The pain increases greatly by Monday concerning me enough to go to Urgent Care and make sure my finger is okay.

Restful:  Finger is not okay and now I'm forced to take some down time.  Downtime from everything- work, riding Bella, working out.

Annoying:  I hate being forced to take off and not even get to be doing something I enjoy.  I hate cancelling my clients appointments.  I enjoy my job as an esthetician and I enjoy seeing my clients, many of whom have been seeing me for years.

Needless to say forced rest can be a good thing.  It can make you reflect.  I didn't even realize how much a like to do.  How much I like to be on the go.  It wasn't until my friends started making comments about how hard this was going to be for me that I realized that I like being super active.  This is why I fall asleep on the couch by 10 every night.  I really just can't keep my eyes open.

The other thing about this week is the hefty antibiotics I've been put on to combat the infection.  As everyone knows when you take antibiotics there is a good chance you will affect the good bacteria in your digestive system.  This makes me so nervous.  I have tried really hard these last few weeks since vacation to get my system back on track and I think we were there but now...

Oh well, I'm taking a bunch of pro-biotics and trying to eat healthy.  Trying to eat the correct portions since for me this week is totally about what I put into my body since I can't exercise.

A recipe that I saw from a fellow Beachbody Coach and one that is absolutely easy and delicious can be found here!  Enjoy the yumminess!

Here's a little video of my making said yumminess!

Made up Cookie Dough

1 cup- Vanilla organic yogurt
2 teaspoons- Organic Peanut butter
Handful of cocoa bits or chocolate chips

Mix these 3 things together BOOM you've got this fake but delicious kinda cookie dough.  Throw it in the freezer for a while and it will be a little like cookie dough ice cream.  YAY!!!

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