Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sugar causes massive cravings

I'm not sure about the rest of you but boy do I have an addiction to sugar.  And if the above image doesn't spell it out I'm not sure what will.

I've been back from vacation for a little over a week now and I'm still struggling with my need to eat processed, sugary, unhealthy foods.  If you've been reading my blog then you know I went a little over board and ate some ultra yummy, fattening, sugary foods on vacation.  I tell myself that it will be okay because we are on vacation and I will only do it then.  The problem comes in when I get back home and all I want to eat is bad food.  And I mean I WANT to eat all the time.  Thankfully our house isn't full of bad things because my husband, who does most of our shopping and cooking, has been on a great health kick thanks in part to Joe Rogan's podcast.  But I will rummage and search for things to eat to satisfy this insane craving.

The other huge bad side affect of eating processed, sugary foods is tiredness.  I just don't want to get up in the morning.  And I will say before vacation when I was eating ultra clean and healthy it was no problem getting up at 5:30 to get my workout and run in before the day started.  Now I can't even think through the fogginess in my brain at 7:30.  I literally want to lounge in bed until I'm forced to get up because I have to get ready for work. This has got to stop!

I thought I could handle these Luigi's Italian ice treats, but I can't.  I want to eat one everyday and not just one but two and then I realize I start looking around for more food shortly after I have one.  So, I think I need to go cold turkey! NO more sugar... NO SUGAR.  Say it with me "NO SUGAR".  Okay well today starts trying to not have any extra sugar.  I will eat my fruits but beyond that I'm going to really try to not have anything extra.  I'll update you soon.  Oh and here is my weekly progress.

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