
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Inspired by others.

(post workout stretching with the furbabies)

When Thursday afternoon rolls around I'm normally MIA from my blog and facebook.  That's because I'm at work at the spa and I'm busy (which is great) but I don't have time to get online and get things done.  I started to feel guilty about this last night. I really wanted to write a post for this blog but I was just plain ole exhausted.  So I put my laptop down and went to bed.  So here I am this morning ready to get things done!

I want to share how amazing it is to see other people on their own journey to be fitter and healthier. No names mentioned but just my own personal take away.  Yesterday, I had a client who has joined my challenge groups and is doing the 21 Day Fix, she is in maintenance mode now so she is only working out 3 days a week and following the eating guide 5 days of the week. But Wow she looks amazing and she said she feels great both inside and out, both physically and mentally.  She tried on a skirt the other day and purchased it in a size that she has never been in her adult life, she is the fittest and smallest she has ever been!  That's AWESOME!

Then I have one of my challengers who inspires me everyday.  She is in her 50's and she is killing it.  She started off with the 21 Day Fix program and when she started in December she couldn't do one full push-up.  She did 15 push-ups the other day.  Say What?? That's AMAZING!  She has lost 35lbs total and 12 inches overall.  And now she is doing the 22 Minute Hard Corp with my test group.  And she is powering through this tough program.  I am beyond proud of her but also so inspired.

So yesterday after I got off of work I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch tv, but because of ladies like these two I got home changed into my workout gear and pushed play on my Cardio 1 and Core 1 for 22 Minute Hard Corp.  And I felt great afterwards physically, then I was able to sit on the couch and watch tv with my hubby.  It was a good night.

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