Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I Voted... in workout gear!

It's primary voting day in Maryland and Dane and I both had time this morning to go in and get it done.  But let's start from the beginning of the morning.  After spending a wonderful evening with my in-laws (I have great in-laws, who I really enjoying hanging out with! I'm lucky I know) I went to bed and slept like a rock.  I woke up this morning to my furbabies wanting to be fed.  So, I got up and fed my babies and made coffee and did the dishes and posted on facebook for my current Challenge Group.  Then it's time to actually get moving.  I'm on week 7 of the 22 Minute Hard Corps program by Beachbody.  Today it was Cardio 1 and Core 2.  I busted through them (man there are a lot of burpees in cardio 1).  As I was stretching at the end Dane said he had time to go vote. I thought well let's do it so we don't have to tonight when I get home for work.  So I threw on my Shakeology shirt and out the door we went.

We got to our voting station and checked in and as I was being led to my voting booth the lady leading me starts talking about T25, one of the Beachbody workout programs.  She mentions she has a tough time following through on doing the program and I said well you need support and I run challenge groups that offer support and accountability.  And she was very interested so I told her after I was done voting I would give her my email address and she could contact me and we would go from there.  So, thank you Shakeology top for opening up the conversation.

If you need support, accountability, friends doing the same thing you are doing, you should really consider joining one of my challenge groups.  They run for 21 days and really help keep people on track with both their exercise and diet.  And it great getting to connect with others with similar goals.  Please fill out the form below if you are interested in learning more.

Fill out my online form.
Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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