So for woman it is about 25 grams or 6 teaspoons of added sugar per day. That may sound like a lot at first. Six whole teaspoons of extra sugar. I'm not talking about sugar in the fruits that you eat. I'm talking about sugar in the processed foods. Here is a good example of hidden sugar. A can of soda may contain up to 10 teaspoons or 40 grams of sugar. A tablespoon of ketchup has 1 teaspoon of sugar. Say what? I mean you probably aren't drinking soda if you are trying to have a healthy lifestyle but still 40 whole grams of sugar in one can. That is just craziness.
Well, I decided I would try to follow the guidelines without going crazy. It was a little harder then I thought. Here's what I found out this past week as I tried to watch my sugar intake. The creamer I use if I drink coffee has 5 grams per serving and this creamer is suppose to be "natural". My whole fat greek vanilla yogurt had 27 grams per cup. Ummm WTF? I will now be switching to the plain whole fat greek yogurt which has 6 grams per cup. Salad dressings have added sugar, peanut butter has added sugar..... it seems life has added sugar. AHHHH! Needless to say I haven't had a day where I stayed below 25 grams. (I was using up my yogurt that I had bought.) But I definitely was having less sugar then normal because I was paying attention and the great thing is I felt better and started to see a little difference in my body. Little less bloat.. hmm interesting.
Everything was still going great this week. Monday was good, Tuesday even better but then today. Uh oh. A very sweet friend who is also gluten free (she has celiac disease) brought me some goodies. And I mean a bag full of goodies. And if you know me then you know my downfall is having things in the house. Well, in this case in the car. I proceeded to munch my way through a few bags of cookies on my drive home from the gym. Yes I said gym and the drive from the gym is under 5 minutes. Oops! So when I got home I added up the extra sugar I had just consumed and we were will over 35 grams. Uhhhh no good. But there is no going back so from this point forward no more sugar today and tomorrow we shoot for 25 grams again. There is no point in beating myself up over a binge. It happened and now I move forward with the intent to not let it happen again.
But I challenge you, reader, to try this. Try to see where you hidden sugar lies. If your trying to eat clean there shouldn't be that much of it. But it will be amazing how it stills creeps into our diets. Americans are obese because of this. Don't be a statistic. Fight the trend of obesity with me.