Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thumbs up for working from home! Entrepreneur!!

So unfortunately for me today I was literally forced to slow down by getting an infection in my hand.  I can't ride Bella.  I can't work out.  I can't do much at all because I need this get better ASAP. On a side note Judy called to say Bella was fantastic today.  Judy called her Bella the "LionHeart"  I like it.  So while I miss my horse I'm very happy to hear that she is doing great!

So normally my Wednesday looks a little like this I go down to the barn and get to ride my Bella girl. Then I have lunch with Judy before we both head off to the gym for our personal training.  Then I sometimes head to Mom's Organic store to buy some food for lunches for the rest of the work week.  Today looked like this.  Sleep in... wake up with finger still very swollen and angry.  Get upset. Call Judy to let her know I wouldn't be able to ride today and ask if she could ride Bella for me so that Bella doesn't become her nasty self.  Text Dona to let her know I have to cancel personal training because my left hand is out of commission.  Complain to myself for the next 30 minutes.  Then decide I can be productive with my beachbody business.  This is the perfect opportunity to get a lot of things done and set some things up for the upcoming events.  So that is what today has pretty much been.  I had my strawberry shakeology for fuel.  I pulled out my laptop computer and I sat my little butt down and got to work!  Not so bad after all.  Though I still would really like to workout but NO today is a rest day for me.

Now on to things coming up.  I am super excited to have a Coaches Sneak Peek set for September 6th.  I love being a Beachbody coach because I love seeing people succeed in their journeys.  Being a part of someones transformation is so fulfilling.  If you are interested in learning more about coach please fill out the form below.  Team Rise & Shine!!

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Failing by learning to Fail Forward

It has recently been brought to my attention that I have been doing myself and you a disservice.  This was very eye opening because when you don't realize you are doing or in my case not doing something that you think you have been doing your quite shocked.

As you know I am a Beachbody Coach.  You may not know what that means because I've only been showing a small part of what being a coach is all about.  I've only been sharing with you the side of me that is pretty easy to share or "show off".  That side of things has been the fitness side of things.  I enjoy working out.  I enjoy sharing that I work out and the results that I get by working out.  I'm sure many of you think that all Beachbody is is working out.  This is my fault, this is my failure.  Let me get this straight there is a whole side of things that is fitness related and I believe that fitness is hugely important and that everyone should be doing some form of exercise to stay fit and healthy and maintain good bone density and to feel good mentally and physically. But that's only one side of the equation.  The other side is what we put into our bodies.  How are bodies react to those things.  Is our diet helping us?  Is our diet promoting a strong healthy body?  And the thing is a have a product that I know does all those things.  I have a product that I've been using for over a year now and it has literally been the healthiest year of my life.  Why in the world am I not sharing this side of things?

Why? Because I'm not as open about this side of my life.  I don't always like people to know that I have major digestion issues.  I don't want people to know that the antibiotics and drugs that I took to help clear up my acne caused a lot of internal problems.  This side isn't pretty.  This side is embarrassing.  But I need to get over that and share my story and share the products that helped me feel better and become a healthier person.

I think it will take time to become more comfortable with sharing but I know that like with anything practice makes perfect... or easier!  So, today I'm just going to say that Shakeology changed my life.  And in the next coming weeks I'll share my story.  I'll share the good and the bad.  I'll share why I think this product is absolutely wonderful.  I'll share more of myself so that you can truly understand what I've been through and how Beachbody has changed me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Sugar causes massive cravings

I'm not sure about the rest of you but boy do I have an addiction to sugar.  And if the above image doesn't spell it out I'm not sure what will.

I've been back from vacation for a little over a week now and I'm still struggling with my need to eat processed, sugary, unhealthy foods.  If you've been reading my blog then you know I went a little over board and ate some ultra yummy, fattening, sugary foods on vacation.  I tell myself that it will be okay because we are on vacation and I will only do it then.  The problem comes in when I get back home and all I want to eat is bad food.  And I mean I WANT to eat all the time.  Thankfully our house isn't full of bad things because my husband, who does most of our shopping and cooking, has been on a great health kick thanks in part to Joe Rogan's podcast.  But I will rummage and search for things to eat to satisfy this insane craving.

The other huge bad side affect of eating processed, sugary foods is tiredness.  I just don't want to get up in the morning.  And I will say before vacation when I was eating ultra clean and healthy it was no problem getting up at 5:30 to get my workout and run in before the day started.  Now I can't even think through the fogginess in my brain at 7:30.  I literally want to lounge in bed until I'm forced to get up because I have to get ready for work. This has got to stop!

I thought I could handle these Luigi's Italian ice treats, but I can't.  I want to eat one everyday and not just one but two and then I realize I start looking around for more food shortly after I have one.  So, I think I need to go cold turkey! NO more sugar... NO SUGAR.  Say it with me "NO SUGAR".  Okay well today starts trying to not have any extra sugar.  I will eat my fruits but beyond that I'm going to really try to not have anything extra.  I'll update you soon.  Oh and here is my weekly progress.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Fixate to the Rescue

As many of you know my good friend and dressage instructor Judy had a recent medical emergency in the family.  Her husband, Angus had bleeding in his brain and was rushed to the hospital where he stayed in ICU for over a week.  He is home now and recover at a very good rate.  But going through something so traumatic has made Judy want to change some things in their lifestyle.  She wants Angus to be all around more healthy and have a much better diet.  In comes the Fixate cookbook.

Today after I had a fantastic ride on Bella in this lovely 80 degree weather, I went up to the house and we went through my fixate cookbook and picked out recipes that were easy to make and that she thought Angus might enjoy.  We picked out enough to get her started and hopefully to get him eating super clean and healthy.

So in honor of the Whyte Family getting healthier with their diets I'm going to share one of my favorite recipes from this cookbook.

Pumpkin Muffins With Maple Cream Cheese

2oz. cream cheese
1 Tbsp. Pure maple syrup
1 Large egg, lightly beaten
1 cup -canned pumpkin puree
1 1/2 cups almond flour
3/4 tsp. baking soda
1 dash sea salt
2 Tbsp raw pumpkin seeds

preheat the over to 350 F.  Prepare 9 cups by lining with muffin tin liners  Combine cream cheese and maple syrup in a small bowl mixing well (set aside) Combine egg and pumpkin in a medium bowl, mix well.  Add almond meal mixture to egg mixture and mix till blended.  Spoon batter into each prepared muffin cup,filling a little less then 1/2 full.  Spoon about 1 heaping tsp. cream cheese mixture into the center of each muffin, then full the rest with remaining batter.  Sprinkle pumpkin seeds evenly.
Bake for 16-18 minutes or until golden brown and toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Transfer muffins to rack and let them cool.

Eat and enjoy!  That's it.  And I know if I can do them you can do them too because I'm horrible in the kitchen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Get Real.. I need to take it one day at a time!

I'm not sure about you but I know for me it can seem so overwhelming to think about the long long super long road ahead that is staying in shape, looking good, feeling confident, eating healthy, exercising consistently.  So for me I set little goals.  I try to break it down into 7 days and then each morning tell myself I only have to worry about today, not tomorrow, not next month... just today.

When I do this I feel like I can complete my goals for the day but not just complete them Conquer them.  I set myself up for success.  That's not to say I don't have long term goals but I try not to let them become my main focus. I see them in the overall picture but I break them down to manageable pieces.  And when I complete those pieces then they fit together like a perfect little puzzle.

So here's a little something new that I'm trying to do to stay accountable.  I'm taking before photos every 7 days until I decide that they are my after photos.  I'll occasionally share them with you guys so you can see my progress whether its forwards or back.  It's a little scary putting it out there for the world to see but again one step at a time.  One day at a time until the results are in and then again we continue one day at time.

 This was taken on Day 1 of the new one day at a time attitude.  I was getting overwhelmed by my desire to know when I would see changes in my body from all the hard work I'd been doing.  But for me I have a very skewed sense of what I look like and I needed to start with a reference point.

So what was great is that I started seeing results pretty fast. I was consistently doing my new workout program T 25, and I was eating super clean and healthy.  It was starting to pay off and pretty fast.  Needless to say I was pleased.

Then vacation hit!

Well, I did workout 6 of the 7 days on vacation.  But let me say you cannot and I mean you cannot out workout a bad diet.  When we got down to the beach I weighed myself and I was down to 143.5.  That's a really good weight for me and I was happy to be at the beach a little leaner.  Still had a ways to go to get to my desired results but again I said to myself One day at a time.  Well, as you can see I ballooned back up.  The night we got back I weighed in at 153.  I do think a lot of that was water retention, but still AHHH that's a lot of weight.

We are 4 days back to our routine and I know I'm back on track.  The diet is healthy and clean.  I'm following my exercise program.  I'm getting out to ride my horse, Bella.  So let's so where I go from here.

If you need someone to support you.  If you need to find the right workout program for you.  If you need one easy meal a day that you don't have to cook.  Then you've found some one to help you.  I want to be apart of your journey and I want you to be apart of mine.  I think that when we surround ourselves with people who have similar goals then we succeed much easier!  Contact me at  I promise you that we can do this.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Vacation Time!

It's time for our annual vacation with my family!  Can I tell you I love my family.  I have wonderful parents who host us and are super fun to hang out with.  My brother Rich is married to my bestie Stacie and they have two of the greatest kids ever, Brandon and Jason.  

We visit my Mom and Dad in Myrtle Beach.  It is a great time of family hang out with beach, pool, and shopping time.  But we also love and I mean love to eat good.  And this is what I will say about eating on vacation for me.  I will enjoy myself.  I will make decisions that I wouldn't if I wasn't on vacation.  I will also work out and stick to my program.  So I do stay on track with my fitness just not with the diet part of things.

And do you know what happens YOU CAN'T OUT WORKOUT A BAD DIET!  If you know this then just know you will probably gain weight when you indulge in the goodies.  Be prepared mentally and physically for it and be okay with it if you are going to make decisions to eat things like Krispy Kreme donuts, root beer floats, fried foods.  You get the point.  I am personally making these decisions and even though I have been working out pretty hard core each morning with a run and doing T25 with Shaun T, I am still gaining weight at a pretty fast rate.   When we got here I weighed in at 143.5 and today I weighed in at 147.5.  Yep that's going up pretty fast.  

So why am I sharing this with you? Because I want to be real.  I want you to know that I really really indulge on vacation.  I want you to know that I'm human too.  That I want to eat all the things that we all crave.  That I gain weight too and will have to get back on track when I get home.  But that's just the thing, I WILL get back on track.  I will commit to healthy eating.  I will continue my program.  I hold myself accountable and I hope you will hold me accountable too.  I will let my challengers know that I'm back and ready to kill it with them.  If you can relate with me HIGH FIVE!

Here's a few photos of our fun times.

Stacie and I after a good workout

Going out to dinner 

One of our morning runs

Another car ride.  Not sure what my hubby is doing

Krispy Kreme strikes again

Monday, August 1, 2016

My First Time at Summit

Let me start of by saying I am blessed to be apart of something bigger.  I am blessed that this company truly wants to reach others and help them fight obesity, help them overcome their struggles with weight, help people see that there is a way to reach your goals that is healthy and promotes longevity in life.  That there is no quick fix and that you have to put in the work but that there will be someone supporting you through it.

My journey to Summit 2016 started when I won my ticket by being a Success Starter.  So I basically was given my ticket from the company for starting on the right foot.  Thanks Beachbody!  I then told my bestie,Stacie, that she could do the same thing and she joined a few months later and won her ticket too.  So now we both were going to go together.  The start of Team Rise and Shine.

I had to work Thursday night so unfortunately we had to leave early Friday morning.  With a small flight delay and a super long line for the rental car we missed the General session on Friday morning and of course missed the opening ceremony on Thursday night.  I wish we could have been there sooner but with life there are responsibilities.  Since we missed our general session we immediately set of for the Core shopping.  Normally I hear there are super long lines for this shopping experience but since most people were in a workshop we just glided right in and bought some goodies.  Mainly some cute workout tops!

It was lunch time at this point and we headed out to the long lines for the food trucks in the scorching heat.  By the time we got our Korean BBQ I had sweat dripping down my neck.  But the BBQ was delicious and we found a little corner inside the air conditioning to eat.

Then we were off for our first workshop.  This is what I came to Summit for.  I was ready to learn and grow and take notes and start applying new ideas and tools into my life and business.  I was so happy to hear from top coaches who have grown their businesses to such a place that this is their only job.  That in doing the 4 Vital Behaviors they are now financially free.  Needless to say I came away with a lot of information and now I need to start applying it daily to my life.

Found my name on the wall of new Emerald Coaches.  Next Year I have a goal to find it on the wall for new Diamond Coaches!

Another great highlight of this weekend was getting to meet the ladies from No Goals Barred my Star Diamond upline coaches group.  We have been communicating online for about a year and I was excited to finally meet them face to face.  They were awesome and I feel like we connected in a great way. 

We were able to meet up with them several times. Dinner on Friday night, lunch on  Saturday and we sat together for the closing ceremony.  Miss them already!

On Saturday morning we had to get up early for the super workout!  This is where thousands of coaches workout together on Broadway street.  The energy was amazing, the workout was hard, I was drenched in sweat but super happy.

After a crazy good workout we got ready for the day which started with workshops in the AM and general session on the afternoon.  After soaking in a ton of great information we headed back to the hotel for a little downtime which Stacie and I turned into study time.  We went over our notes together and wrote down some new goals for ourselves and our team.   Then it was time to head off to the closing ceremony.  It was hot but who cares because I was so amazed at the achievement that my fellow coaches have made over the last year. I was inspired by them and told myself that next year I want to walk across that stage.  Next year I want to be recognized because I am willing and able to do the hard work that got them to where they are today.  I can do this!

And that about sums up my first Summit experience.  I've come home exhausted but on fire. I'm ready to take my team to the next level.  I'm ready to apply myself to making this business more then just a hobby.  I have set my goals.  I have a vision and that vision may just include you.  My tribe is growing and you could be apart of it too!